Friday, August 7, 2009

Currently Reading

Saturday by Ian McEwan
This story follows an ordinary man through a Saturday whose high promise gradually turns nightmarish. Henry Perowne–a neurosurgeon, urbane, privileged, deeply in love with his wife and grown-up children–plans to play a game of squash, visit his elderly mother, and cook dinner for his family. But after a minor traffic accident leads to an unsettling confrontation, Perowne must set aside his plans and summon a strength greater than he knew he had in order to preserve the life that is dear to him.


Jody said...

I have this TBR, BBK since like, 2 years ago! I'm nearing page 300 on Atlas Shrugged. Just about a thousand more pages to go...
xoxoxoxxo love you!

Christine said...

I have had it forever as well. It's kind of a weird book, and somewhat political, so therefore you would like it. Haha! Hope that you finish Atlas Shrugged before your 50th birthday.
Miss you and love you too!