Thursday, September 10, 2009

Finished 102 Minutes

Thanks to my husband for understanding that I haven't been great about my pledge to stop downloading books (sorry!), I am covering my head with a paper bag now.  I'll try harder from now until Christimas.  However, the book that I am starting is on paper, and I have had it forever.  It seems like the right time to finally read it,102 Minutes: The Untold Story of the Fight to Survive Inside the Twin Towers by Jim Dwyer and Kevin Flynn

Finished on September 12
My Rating: 5/5
Yes, it was emotionally disturbing to read the accounts of the survivors, but I felt like it was important to finally read this.  The ways that some of these people escaped is unbelievable.  The stories of what people did for strangers were amazing.  So last night as I finished the last few chapters, a special came on television about the 9/11 survivors.  Several of the people that were highlighted in the book were also on this special.  I am so glad that I caught that and took the time to watch it.  When you are in the right frame of mind to read this, please do.


Literary Feline said...

This one's been sitting on my TBR shelf forever. I probably still won't get to it anytime soon. Someday. :-) I hope you find it to be a worthwhile read, Christine.

Off topic, I saw someone the other day with the license plat PLUMFVR. I wonder if it's a Stephanie Plum fan.

Christine said...

You are kidding me! I have always wanted a Plum-based license plate.

As for the book, I finished half of it last night. It's definitely a worthwhile read, although of course difficult.